GR Electrical have been providing switchgear solutions since 1975, our dual automated manufacturing facilities provide full turnkey solutions, with custom built modular switchgear. The main factory was purpose built to allow for metal fabrication, busbar manufacture & production facilities. All design is carried out utilising 3D manufacturing, ensuring the highest quality of switchgear build.
All processes are project managed in-house from design concept, manufacturing, testing, installation and commissioning. As an engineering company we have placed great emphasis on product design for our full suite of products – package substations, main switchboard, generator switchboard, UPS Switchboard, critical PDU’s, Intelligent PDU’s, High Capacity PDU’s, bespoke final distribution solutions, Scada & EMS Systems. We have our own in-house 7000A Temperature Rise accredited test station, that allows us as an independent manufacturer to ensure full compliance to 61439 standards.
We constantly invest in research and development to ensure our products meet the latest requirements, with full traceability of design & dual server systems to maintain records.